Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Crossing the Physical Barrier

A big HI to all,

The blog had gone into "coma" due to various ailments, but finally its out; before going for fullstop. As I was sharing my experiences and many views on different things, got a very nice scolding that why I do not share with everyone so here I am and I promise that will take care of it now and will not let it slip again in "coma" (need a reminder)
Various things are there to share and one by one it will be on this space. Here goes the first one-
When I had to go to Coimbatore to teach YES!+ I got this fear that I do not know Tamil, the local language people speak there so I was like avoiding and planning how to escape that. And as usual, what you fear you have to go through that, so I went. Everything I did nicely, but the course day i got severe throat infection followed by high fever, coughing like crazily sick old fellow. After years went to see doctor and he advised not to speak even a word and take complete rest for coming four days; and I said I cant...
Whole day did not speak, just coughed...
Evening I went to the course with 103 fever and bad throat, prayed to HIM and started the course..... Amazed by HIS grace as I did not cough even once while speaking and not only this I taught "surya namaskar", a set of yogasanas, also..
Felt sudden gush of such a high energy that I even did all the rounds of surya namaskar with them; 18 pretty rounds. And it was an experience not only for me but for all the participants also.
This made me experience that pain or discomfort are all mere words, its game of mind. When you have strong will it can be overcome with HIS grace just like that.
"Give a chance to the Divine to work on you"

With Love..


atmarati avirodhena said...

wow :) give the divine a chance to work on you ..
continue writing !

Santhu said...

WOW !! Nice Experience sharing !!
Thats divine presence !!